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Lifecycle of SmartHost Devices and Properties

Best Practice tips for property and device management

Xplorie adds your initial property inventory to the management platform during the onboarding process. However, as we all know, properties come and go from property management services. It is a standard part of the business.  When a property joins or leaves your management program there are several steps you typically take to onboard or remove a property from your inventory. Everything from adding or removing linens from the property to updating listings on OTAs must be addressed. Adding SmartHost to your checklists will help you manage device inventory effectively. 

Add SmartHost to your onboarding and removal process checklists. Include relevant steps for each, like device installation for onboarding and device un-association steps for property removals. 

New Property Under Management?


When new property joins your management program, let us know. We will add a property shell into your management portal that you can customize.

If you have an existing property in your system that has not been removed from your SmartHost Management Portal but isn't actually under your management service anymore you can repurpose that property and make all of the relevant updates to it. 

Click here to view a helpful article on how to add a new property.

Installing a Device

Device to Property Association


Adding a device to a property has never been easier. After you install a device at a property the DSN will appear in the SmartHost management portal. You need only select the DSN you want associated to a property.  Click here for a helpful article and video tutorial on how to add DSNs to a property in SmartHost.

Device Inventory Management

Keeping track of your devices and insuring they function properly need not be a hassle. With the Housekeeping Communication feature you can be notified when cleaning is done and insure that devices are working properly, not unplugged and hiding in a drawer. 

If you opt out of using the Housekeeping Communication feature, you can simply add to your cleaner's checklist the step of asking a generic question like, "Alexa, what's the WiFi password?". This will provide you with an easy way to confirm that the device is online with little effort from your cleaner. Click on the video above for helpful advice on Device Management.

Click here for more information about SmartHost Communication

Property Leaving Management Program


When the time has come to let a property go, you can simply rename the property Placeholder Property to quicky identify that the property is available to be repurposed for use in the future.

IMPORTANT: You must un-associate the device from the property so that it can be moved to a new location in the future.

Check out these helpful tips on how to handle when a property leaves management program.