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SmartHost Calendar Features

Simple steps to link your guest reservations to SmartHost

When you have an API feed with Xplorie, you can also enjoy the benefits of bringing your guest reservations and their names into SmartHost. With Calendar Features you have the option to enable personalized greetings, check-out reminders, and offer guests the ability to extend their stay, when available.  Selecting which features you want to incorporate is customizable. 

Where are Calendar Features?

Calendar Features are found at the property level > Calendar. Once you select your preferences you can use the Multi-Property Management tool to copy your preferences to other properties.

New Calendar

When the API pushes your reservation details to SmartHost, the various features become available for review and selection. 

Calendar Features Include:

  • Calendar Details (Check-In and Check-out Times)
  • Personalized Greeting
  • Host Welcome Message
  • Host Highlights
  • Guest Sentiment Check
  • Departure Instructions
  • Orphan Nights
  • Host Welcome Card (requires a Show Device)

These helpful tutorials will walk you through Calendar Features and all they have to offer.

Introduction to Calendar Features

Personalized Greetings, Host Welcome Message and Host Highlights

Guest Sentiment Check

Departure instructions

Orphan Nights

Host Welcome Card