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What are Categories?

A place to organize your content

Defining Your Data

Defining Data

Containers and Properties are stored in Categories. Content Items are stored within Containers and Properties. Content Items tell Alexa what to say.

A category can most simply be thought of as a file folder that you store your containers and properties within. You can access categories via Group > Categories.

Category Considerations

The specialized content you create can be customized to include several categories that organize your containers and properties, or you can store everything under one category. 


To add a sub-category, choose the plus button beside a category. It is important to keep in mind that the deeper you go into layering categories, containers, and properties, the more confusing it can become, so be judicious in your creation and structure.

Adding a sub-category via the plus button is not possible if properties are assigned to the category. You wll first need to unlink all properties currently assigned to the category before you can add sub-categories.

A use for sub-categories may be, for example, to create categories for resorts by which you group properties.

If you have content that you would like to provide to all the resort's properties then you need to also create a resort container that is specific to that category, since Content Items cannot be added directly to a Category.


When you choose a category to edit, the Edit Category interface will provide you with the opportunity to apply all the containers that are applicable to a category.

Category Container Association

Containers that are applied to a higher-ranking category will by default apply to lower-ranking categories within the hierarchy and thus do not need to be applied to lower-ranking categories.