SmartHost Feature Announcements: November 2023

Features include Guest Sentiment Check and the ability to assign property-specific Contacts.

Guest Sentiment Check

Gauge guest sentiment shortly after they check-in

This feature offers you the ability to ask guests if they were pleased with the property when they arrived. Our new feedback system is providing you an opportunity to preemptively address any issues that guests may not have previously shared until after check-out in their OTA review. Guest Sentiment Check is located in the property Calendar Features interface (formerly known as Calendar Integration).  When enabled it will provide the following:

  • Triggers a notification for new guest arrivals that will elicit a yes or no response regarding their satisfaction with the property.
  • If feedback is not provided within 24 hours, the system will weave a sentiment check into the conversation, up to 24 hours prior to departure.
  • Sentiment check results, positive or negative, will be forwarded to the designated contact by specified method of contact, email or text.

For a tutorial on how to enable Guest Sentiment Check and other calendar features, click here to learn how to link your reservations to SmartHost.

Not Just Who but Where

Taking Curated Content to the Next Level

Giving your guests the best recommendations and improving their vacation experience is paramount to Xplorie. The curated adventures and restaurant suggestions we provide through SmartHost offers your guests great ideas for ways to make their trip amazing! With our latest innovation, we can not only make activity suggestions, but now also offer guests the business' phone number, business hours and address

This latest feature is being implemented for you by our Xplorie Tech and Content Management teams. The only thing you need to do is make sure your device is online and working for your guests. We handle the rest!

Customize Communication

Assign Property Specific Contacts not just Departments 

Have you wanted greater flexibility on who receives guest requests? You are not alone! We are happy to announce that you are no longer limited to an entire department being notified. Now you can specify within each department an individual, multiple contacts, or all contacts that you want notified. 

Instead of every contact associated to the Housekeeping Department receiving notifications, you can specify which individuals in the department you want notified. For example, You could include a cleaner and the Housekeeping Manager to be contacted when there is a housekeeping request for Unit 12A and specify a different cleaner and the Housekeeping Manager for Unit 12B. 

  • Provides flexibility on associating different housekeeping contacts for guest inquiries
  • Provides flexibility on associating different housekeeping contacts for "cleaning is done" notifications
  • Provides flexibility on associating different maintenance contacts
  • Provides flexibility on associating different host contacts
  • Provides flexibility on associating different contacts for guest check-in, check-out and surveys

    This new flexibility is available for all Communication features.  

    Click here for setup instructions


    Log into your SmartHost Portal to see some of our new features.