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Configure Settings

In the settings section you will provide contact choices for reports and how you would prefer SmartHost to handle no answer available responses.

Please do not change First and Last names as these naming conventions are intentionally set for tracking purposes.

SmartHost includes patent-pending technology that protects the guest's experience in cases where you, as the host, have not yet provided answers to questions they might ask. To take advantage of this, there are a couple of configuration parameters you will want to set in the SmartHost Management Platform.

Under Settings, you will find a section called 'Notification Preferences'. There you can:

  • Opt-In or Opt-Out to receive periodic reports via email that summarize the things your guests are asking about. You can also set the frequency of these reports and who should receive them.
  • Opt-In or Opt-Out to receive real-time notifications via text when a guest asks a question that the SmartHost system does not have a pre-defined answer available. You will also choose which point of contact should receive the text, and the hours during which they should receive notifications.
  • Add WiFi settings for your office and any buildings or resorts that have multiple devices connected to a shared WiFi Network. You can push WiFi credentials to all your online devices.

When you want to push WiFi networks to new online devices simply press the Re-sync button. For more details see Wi-Fi Locker Tips and Tools guide.