Adding Xplorie Widgets to Your Website

It’s easy to drive bookings by promoting Xplorie’s activities directly on your website – just add our widget!

Xplorie’s team has created a custom “widget” – an embeddable module for web use – that you can drop onto your web pages to highlight the added value Xplorie’s activities bring to your listings. We make it easy for you by creating and managing all widget content (images, text, and specific activities). Widgets are updated to reflect your seasonal or programmatic activity changes.

Xplorie widgets are made for you to use as a marketing tool. We recommend that you embed your widget throughout your site, especially on pages that deliver the most traffic and are most likely to drive bookings. We intentionally have not added a header or footer to the widget so that you can place it into any page or area you would like on your site.

Xplorie’s Activity Summary widget

The Activity Summary widget provides a deeper dive into the added value of Xplorie activities to travelers who are exploring multiple pages on your website. As you can see, this widget will display your complimentary activities for Experience Pro clients, while Experience Light clients will see the top activities in the area.


Our Recommendation: Use this widget as primary content on your Activities or Things To Do pages.

Technical Details

It’s easy! The Onboarding and Client Success teams will deliver everything you need to implement your widgets, including a preview link, and an embed code. You can also check out our sample site here for the suggested placement.


How To Embed:

Your website developer will simply drop the code into the pages that we recommend or wherever you would like them to be placed. Changes made to the widgets are dynamically updated, so there is no need to replace code for future widget changes.

Widgets are responsive and should dynamically adjust their sizing/styles based on the size of the container they are placed within as well as the size of the screen of the device they are viewing the page on. We recommend that widgets are placed on their own row, in a section that is the full width of the page.


Need assistance finding and embedding your widgets? Your Client Success team is available and here to help. 

Contact us at


For a more detailed outline of our recommendations, read our Program Marketing Best Practices or check out our sample site to see best practices in action.