Booking Link Cannot Be Found?

When guests cannot find their activity booking link you can walk them through these few easy steps:

  1.  Ask them to search their email for messages from Xplorie (including spam folders)
  2. If no email can be found, guests can complete this form, and the booking link will appear on their screen in real time. (please see note below for form errors)
  3. If the guest prefers not to use a form they can call your unique Xplorie phone number and verbally provide reservation information to a Destination Guide. Once verified, the guest will be able to book activities through the Destination Guide as well.

If the guest's activity booking link is not found using the form, it could be for the following reasons:

  • They have used incorrect information or information that does not match their reservation.
  • Their reservation information has not yet entered our system via data integration.
  • Their reservation was made using an OTA that does not push the guest's email address in their data, such as AirBnB. (These guests can call 855-476-0534 to speak to an agent directly.)

If any of these errors occur, the guest will be prompted with a phone number to call our Destination Guides for assistance.